Do You Have Good Guy Radar?

Are you skilled at recognizing traits like kindness, respect, and sincerity, or do you sometimes miss the signs and end up with the wrong people?

Do You Have Good Guy Radar?

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In the realm of dating and relationships, being able to spot a good guy is a valuable skill. Determine if you have the ability to identify genuinely good guys when you meet them! 

Are you skilled at recognizing traits like kindness, respect, and sincerity, or do you sometimes miss the signs and end up with the wrong people? Let's explore your dating instincts and find out if you have good guy radar!

How do you feel when someone you're dating cancels plans at the last minute?
😡 I feel upset and see it as a lack of respect for my time.😅 I might be disappointed, but I understand that things come up.😊 I'm understanding and appreciate them communicating about it.😌 It doesn't bother me; life can be unpredictable.
How do you react when a date actively listens and engages in a meaningful conversation with you?
😕 I'm surprised and not used to such attentive behavior.😅 I appreciate it and consider it a positive sign.😊 I value good communication and find it attractive.😌 It's what I expect from a respectful date.
What's your approach when someone expresses interest in your hobbies and interests?
😬 I'm skeptical and wonder if they're pretending to like what I like.😅 I'm cautiously optimistic and see it as a positive sign.😊 I'm delighted and appreciate their genuine interest.😌 I see it as a natural part of getting to know each other.
How do you react when a date treats service staff or strangers with kindness and respect?
😡 I might be taken aback if they're unusually kind to strangers.😅 I see it as a good sign and value their respectful behavior.😊 I find it admirable and see it as a reflection of their character.😌 I consider it a standard expectation for decent people.
How do you feel about someone who is open and honest about their intentions and feelings in a relationship?
😡 I might be suspicious and wonder if they're being sincere.😅 I appreciate their transparency and honesty.😊 I value open communication and see it as a sign of maturity.😌 I expect honesty and openness in any relationship.
How do you respond when a date shows consistent effort to make you feel valued and appreciated?
😕 I'm cautious and question their motives for the effort.😅 I appreciate their gestures and consider it a positive sign.😊 I feel cherished and see it as a wonderful aspect of our connection.😌 I see it as a fundamental part of a healthy relationship.

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