Which House of the Dragon Character Are You? 🐉🏰

Reveal your noble counterpart

Enter the treacherous world of Westeros and uncover which House of the Dragon character's traits and ambitions align with your own.

Answer the following eight questions to reveal your noble counterpart. 🐉🏰

🐉 What qualities do you value in a leader?
Honesty, integrity, and a strong moral compass.Cunning, wit, and the ability to outmaneuver opponents.Loyalty to family and the willingness to protect loved ones.Diplomacy, strategic thinking, and a talent for negotiation.Strength, fearlessness, and the ability to command respect.Intelligence, creativity, and a knack for uncovering secrets.Ambition, a thirst for power, and a desire to shape history.
🏰 How do you approach challenges and conflicts?
I rely on diplomacy and negotiation to find peaceful resolutions.I use my intelligence and wit to outsmart opponents.I prioritize protecting my family and loved ones above all else.I gather allies and resources to overcome challenges.I face challenges head-on with strength and determination.I analyze situations carefully and make calculated decisions.I use cunning and manipulation to turn conflicts to my advantage.
🐉 What role do you play within your family or group of friends?
The compassionate and supportive peacemaker.The clever and witty strategist who offers guidance.The loyal protector who will do anything for family.The charismatic and diplomatic negotiator.The fearless leader who commands respect and loyalty.The inquisitive and observant analyst.The ambitious and influential decision-maker.
🏰 How do you deal with betrayal and betrayal?
I seek understanding and attempt to mend the relationship.I use my intelligence to uncover the motives behind the betrayal.I confront the betrayer and make them pay for their actions.I rally allies and use diplomacy to address the situation.I respond with strength and make an example of the betrayer.I analyze the situation and find the best way to turn it to my advantage.I use the betrayal as an opportunity to further my own ambitions.
🐉 What's your perspective on power and authority?
I believe in using power to create a better world for all.I see power as a means to outmaneuver and achieve my goals.I value loyalty and use power to protect those I care about.I understand the importance of power and use it for strategic purposes.I embrace power and use it to lead and inspire others.I see power as a tool to uncover and control secrets.I crave power and am willing to do whatever it takes to obtain it.
🏰 How do you handle difficult decisions and moral dilemmas?
I consider the well-being of all and choose the path of compassion.I use my intelligence to weigh the pros and cons and make the best choice.I prioritize the needs of my family and loved ones in my decisions.I gather information and seek advice before making a decision.I make decisions with confidence, regardless of the consequences.I analyze the situation and make a decision that benefits me most.I make decisions that further my own ambitions and goals.
🐉 What's your outlook on legacy and the future?
I hope to leave a legacy of peace and positive change.I aim to leave a legacy of cunning and strategic brilliance.I want to leave a legacy of loyalty and protection for my family.I hope to leave a legacy of diplomacy and political influence.I aim to leave a legacy of strength and fearlessness.I want to leave a legacy of knowledge and uncovering hidden truths.I hope to leave a legacy of power and shaping the course of history.

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